Friday, October 16, 2009

Survival Guides For 2012

vival Guide

Hello and welcome to the "Survival Guides for 2012" Information and Review Site. My name is Joshua and I wanted to share with you this AMAZING Survival Guide and Information Book that has totally changed the way I view the year 2012.

I have been following the 2012 Phenomenon for many years - I have had a VERY hard time viewing everything I have found out , as just coincidence. The I-Ching Prophecies... Mayan calendars... Hopi Indians teachings... Aztec calendars... And EVEN Nostradamus made Prophecies about THIS SAME YEAR -2012.

These civilizations could have NEVER known or communicated with each other - and the I-CHING? The I-Ching - is it merely coincidence that the Time-Line ENDS on 2012?
Its VERY hard for me to see all these things as nothing more than coincidence.

And I know that Im not alone. Many people have been asking me about 2012 - and there are nore and more EVERYDAY. When you think about it, 3 years IS NOT far away - and its never too early for us to prepare ourselves -Prepare our minds and Prepare our homes and physical supplies.

The "Official Countdown - 2012 Guide" is the COMPLETE Survival Guide for 2012.

NOT only does it provide ALL the different aspects of the 2012 prophecies - BUT, we will learn exactly what we will need, and what we will need to know. And its NOT JUST a written Guide -

There are MP3's for Listening AND MORE.

Because there is so much outstanding information -listening on MP3's will help greatly. In this guide age old questions will be answered...

Why the year 2012 and not 2112 as many thought? You're not going to believe this! Page 7

The New World Order... the Illuminati... and their effect today... on 2012... and beyond. Page 102

Is it true the USA will be wiped off the face of the planet? Know the truth! Page 35

Are we really being visited by creatures from another dimension? The facts will astound you. Page 85

When did the 676 year cycle of the 13 heavens actually begin? Page 31

When did 500 years of darkness begin? And what follows it? Page 41

And so, so much more...

There are also MORE MP3's - A COMPLETE Membership Area for Questions and Answers. And TONS more. And the site continues to update with new information when ever needed. This is the COMPLETE Survival Guide for 2012 - and The Sooner We Start to Prepare Ourselves -THE BETTER.

You can find out ALL the same information that has helped me to get ready - and create this AMAZING Peace of Mind that has washed over me ever since I decided to follow my instincts: